Other Record Requests

Other Record Requests

Types of Record Requests:

  • PERSONAL RECORDS (i.e. requests for information about you or your minor child(ren))
  • GENERAL RECORDS (i.e. requests for general information not related to you)
  • OTHER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION BY AUTHORIZED PARTY (accompanied with written consent)

How to Make a Record Request

  1. Complete the Access Request Form

    Access Request Form

    The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) can respond to personal record requests for its current students or former students of the DSBN where the last school attended by the student was a DSBN school or a school of Niagara South Board of Education (NSBE) or Lincoln County Board of Education (LCBE).  If you are not sure if the Secondary School or Adult Learning Centre that you last attended is or was a part of the DSBN (NSBE and LCBE) please see the list of DSBN Secondary Schools.  The list contains both open and closed DSBN Secondary Schools.

      • When you are requesting copies of records about you or your child
      • May include requests for copies of an Ontario Student Record (OSR) or attendance records, etc.
      • This request is made to the DSBN for persons either currently enrolled in a DSBN school or most recently attended a DSBN school
      • The OSR travels with the student so if the last school attended is not a DSBN school, the record request should be directed to the School Board within the jurisdiction of the last school attended as that School Board has care and custody of the school record and can respond to record requests
      • DSBN is not permitted to release any personal student information over the phone

      Please Note: While Personal Record Requests can be received during the summer months of July to August, requests cannot be processed until schools re-open in September.  Extension Notification will be provided to the Requester confirming the delay.

    2. GENERAL RECORDS (i.e. requests for general information not related to you)
      • When you are requesting copies of records that are not related to you or your minor child
      • MFIPPA prohibits the release of personal information about a person to a third party except in very limited circumstances
    3. OTHER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION BY AUTHORIZED PARTY (accompanied with written consent)
      • When you are an Authorized Party (e.g. lawyer, medical professional, Ontario Children’s Lawyer) and requesting copies of records that are the personal information of the Authorized Party’s client or patient
      • The Authorized Party’s record request must be accompanied with the signed consent of the person to whom the records relate
      • This request is made to the DSBN for persons either currently enrolled in a DSBN school or most recently attended a DSBN school
      • The OSR travels with the student so if the last school attended is not a DSBN school, the record request should be directed to the School Board within the jurisdiction of the last school attended as that School Board has care and custody of the school record and can respond to record requests
      • DSBN is not permitted to release any personal student information over the phone
      • When you are requesting that a DSBN record that contains your personal information or your minor child’s be corrected
      • Correction requests limited to where the Requester believes there is an error or omission in the personal information
      • Must be made within one year of disclosure of the information to the Requester
      • Must include a statement of disagreement reflecting the requested correction
  2. Provide the Required Fee pursuant to MFIPPA
    • Application fee is $5
    • For Personal Record Requests, the Application fee is $5 per person (e.g. personal record requests for 2 students = $10)
    • Application fee is payable by School Cash Online.
  3. Provide Government Issued Photo Identification (ID)
    • Personal Record Requests require government issued photo ID (e.g. driver’s licence) to accompany the request
    • Personal Record Requests will not be processed until photo ID is submitted
    • Photo ID must be legible to be accepted
      • If submitting the Access Request Form via email, the photo ID can be sent as an attachment by scanning or taking a digital photograph.PDF or JPG files are preferred
      • If submitting the Access Request Form via fax, mail or courier, the photo ID must be clearly photocopied
      • Currently, photo ID can only be submitted by email as the Education Centre is closed to the public due to Public Health Protocols related to the Covid-19
  4. Submit the Completed Records Request
    • Completed Access Request Forms, Application Fee(s), and photo ID (where required), must be submitted to DSBN Legal Services by:
      • e-mail – FOIRequests@dsbn.org
      • fax – 905-641-5060
      • mail or courier:

        District School Board of Niagara
        191 Carlton Street
        St. Catharines, ON  L2R 7P4
        Attention: Legal Services

  5. Records Disclosure
    • Record Requests will be processed within 30 days, unless an Extension Notification is provided to you
    • Additional Fees (e.g. photocopying, search fees, shipping) will be identified prior to disclosure
    • Additional Fees are due prior to record disclosure and can be submitted by School Cash Online